Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Consumer Flow

The image above shows the consumer flow or consumer experience to sign-up for a Newsletter. It is very important to capture each and every step of the process to be able to understand - "At what stage or step do we have the highest drop-off" But looking at the above flow, do you think one will be able to get a complete understanding? Some people might say - Yes, of course why not. What do you think?

Now lets lets take another look:

This flow is showing each and every step that a consumer will go through before being able to sign-up for the newsletter. One can measure a drop-off rate at each of the above steps and then be able to put a cork on the leak, helping increase the "sign-up rate."

The above example is a very simple flow - at times there are about 10-20 steps in the complete process. I have had the privilege of looking at a flow of over 100 steps as well, it was was a check out process for a leading e-commerce company.

As with every step of measurement, a many people do not believe in mapping a complete consumer flow but trust me it is one of the most important steps.

Quick Tip: Use Microsoft Visio to draw consumer flow in minutes

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